Bin Laden #2 Shot
Dragon's Breath Shot
Kalashnikov Shot
Frostmark 5 on Ice Cocktail
Green Fairy Blood Cocktail
Lover's Kiss #2 Cocktail
Flaming Mouth Wash Shot
Abbie's French Kiss Shot
Absinthe Czech Ritual Shot
Absinthe Olde-Style Cocktail
Bitch on Wheels #2 Cocktail
Fairy's Kiss Cocktail
Green Fairy Shot
Highspeed Cocktail
Instant Death #2 Cocktail
Death Dream Cocktail
Jack in the Green Shot
B-52 Flame Shot
Bloody Fairy Cocktail
Traffic Light #2 Shot
Weeping Jesus Cocktail
Bull Rush Cocktail
Emerald Balrog Shot
Absinthe Herbal Liqueur Shot
This Episode is F'd Up Cocktail
MIG-29 Shot
Dirty Bomb Cocktail
Drift Cocktail
Rampaging Gutbuster Cocktail
Van Gogh Cocktail
Green Fairy Cocktail
Ladies #2 Cocktail
Moranguito Shot
Pedra Shot
Absinthe Martini Cocktail
Absinthe Drip Cocktail
Harry's Cocktail
Sherry Cocktail
B-55 #2 Shot
Flaming Daniel Shot
Motherfucker Shot
M.J.A. Shot
Flying Fortress Cocktail
Dead Man Walking #2 Shot
Flame Blazer Cocktail
Absinthe Margarita Cocktail
Head Shock Shot
Don't Fear the Fairy Shot
Trini Bruiser Cocktail
Red Jack Shot
Twisted Isaac Cocktail
Absinthe Without Leave Shot
Kick in the Ace Shot
Absinthtini Cocktail
CBR 150 Cocktail
Blue Fairy Cocktail
Czecher Board Cocktail
Toadpole Cocktail
Black Fairy Shot
Aunt Roberta Cocktail
Round Robin Cocktail
Purple Haze Cocktail
Absinthe Paralysis Cocktail
Feiry Fairy Shot
Balboa Shot
The Bad Guy Cocktail
The Hulk Cocktail
Absinth Sour Cocktail
Absinthe Bomb Shot
Apple Fairy Cocktail
Bring the Pain Cocktail
Fairy From Hell Cocktail
Flaming Asswipe Shot
Blinding Light Shot
B52-Slovak Shot
We Attack at Dawn Shot
The Minion Shot
The Shot That Neville Won't Do Shot
Rocky Shot
Razzle-Dazzle Cocktail
Terrybuster Shot
Daywalker's Blood Shot